24-hour Attendance Line 834-6161
Regular attendance is essential for success in school. The student with a high absence rate is likely to:
Have lower grades
Delay graduation
Have problems getting into college
Have difficulty in finding a job after high school
Encounter friction at home and at school
Excessive Absences may result in loss of credit and/or consideration for alternative education. Students will be referred to Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) when having excessive absences. Many parents are unaware that going “out of town” with their children during school is an unexcused absence, as are “family emergencies”. Car problems, personal reasons are also unexcused absences/tardies. In any case, planning ahead can avoid unexcused absences.
Absences to be Counted: Excused Unexcused Cuts
Absences not Counted: Doctor’s Excuse, School Related Activities, Buses not running on foggy days, Suspensions.
Students have 3 days from the day of the absences to clear absences. Absences may be cleared by a doctor’s note or a telephone call by the parent. When absent, parents/guardians should phone the school at 834-6161. If a student is late to school, the absence/tardy needs to be cleared the same day. If a student does not return after lunch, the parent needs to call the same day in order to clear. Partial day absences need to be cleared the same day of the absence. NO EXCEPTIONS! Doctor’s notes are required for doctor’s appointments. Please make sure to get a note every time you go to the doctor.