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About Fowler High

FHS Mission Statement

Our mission at Fowler High School is to create an environment that nurtures excellence both in and out of the classroom for our students and staff. FHS is a place where we will support every student in reaching their full potential. Fowler High School is committed to empowering students by valuing the rich traditions that make the communities of Fowler and Malaga so special, while at the same time harnessing the power of creativity and innovation needed to meet the challenges of today.


Our Vision

In order to support our District Strategic Plan and our mission, the staff at Fowler High School will ensure all students:

  1. Learn in a supportive environment that promotes student growth and well-being.

  2. Engage in rigorous and relevant standards-based learning.

  3. Become responsible citizens who demonstrate resilience in a diverse and changing global community through opportunities provided. 

  4. Improve upon their intellectual curiosity and creativity to solve problems through creative learning experiences.

School Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Responsible Citizens – Contribute to the community, respect the rights and safety of others, adhere to campus rules and policies, and demonstrate positive personal character and responsibility.

Effective Communicators – Students will be able to employ effective speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.

Decision Makers– Define the problem, establish goals, identify resources, consider alternatives, make a decision, implement, and evaluate.

Critical Thinkers– Be inquisitive, well-informed, open to opportunities, self-confident in the ability to reason, remain open-minded, and flexible about others’ views.

Academic Achievers – Students demonstrate college and career readiness by attaining proficiency as measured by the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and be College-Career prepared as indicated by the state.

Technology Users – Students will use technology to engage in research and inquiry to investigate topics and to analyze, organize, integrate, and present information. Also, be good digital citizens.

Scholars– Establish personal priorities and attainable goals. Engage in activities or tasks that work towards your educational, personal, physical, mental, and health goals. Dream it, Do it!